‘We’ of the Solstice and Coming Times

The Giantess – The Guardian of the EggLeonora Carrington – circa 19

2020 – 2021

We have now moved through the Solstice and completed the Grand Conjunction of 2020.

( In stating this I further acknowledge that the spread of such events extends over much longer time periods both prior to and following the actual times of these astrological events ).

We have now stepped across the threshold, begun the transition, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius and all that this heralds.

Saturn and Jupiter – Susan Rey photographed in Australia

The Great Ngaltawaddi Ceremony at Uluru, Australia, [1] has been completed.  This ceremony was rightly, performed by the Original peoples of this land.  This was notably, also a time of World Ritual.  Millions of people, across the many lands embraced, facilitated and ensured the fulfillment of this long prophesied event – the rising of the Rainbow Serpent to create the Rainbow Bridge between Heaven and Earth.  Heralding the birth of ‘New Earth’.

Photo taken at Uluru – Solstice 21st December 2020 – source forgotten origin.com

The Ceremony at Uluru was, assuredly, completed and fulfilled by the traditional knowledge holders/elders of Country. They, as is their way, will never speak publicly of the happenings within such rituals.  But evidenced it was!  Gaia responded, the Heavens responded and ‘We’ responded.

This article will offer some of the recorded experiences that arose out of this World Solstice event. These recordings have been drawn from both personal experiences and from those shared and gathered from around the globe.  

It will also seek to lay some tendrils towards an understanding, a vision of the times to come.

In writing this article, particularly with the viewing of some of the ’solstice’ images, I was drawn back to some esoteric experiences that occurred some ten years past.  It seemed they were deeming themselves, drawing themselves into this time, to be upon this page.  

Whilst the meaning within the experiences was and still is nascent, I trust that within them there may be seeds that can be germinated in the fertile ground of our emergent ‘WE’.

There are seeds in the air that will become trees.

‘We’ of the Solstice

If I were to choose one word that both expresses and holds true for the times we are amidst and the times to come it would be ‘WE’.

What always gives me great joy, freedom and rest, is the knowing that I am part of a greater circle of Life.  That I am a part, that We are the many parts, and together we create the Whole.

“It is possible the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. And the practice can be carried out as a group, as a city, as a nation”    Thich Nhat Hanh  [2]

It has been said that 15 million of us around the world [3] gathered together at the time of Solstice, focusing our loving intention, holding rituals large and small, calling forth the ‘Rainbow Serpent’, with its life giving and life preserving forces, to arise.  

Together with ancestral beings we sang in the new Dreaming

Aunty Minnie Mace-Solstice Sky at Uluru 21st December 2020

Uncle Lewis Walker, australian Original First Nation Wisdom Keeper by the fire lit in sacred circle at Rocky River-21st December 2020

Much was evidenced as the ‘Rainbow Serpent’ began its journeying, travelling through the world songlines, fructifying the many lands.

Noumea New Caledonia-26th December 2020 – Jeremy Pascal

Gaia Responds

From the Fire of the deep earth to the Ethereal Lights of the northern skies, across the many lands in between, Gaia resounded. 

A Moonbow in Hawaii at the time of the Solstice

Night Rainbow Hawaii – Jeanne Ruland

“The night rainbow in Hawaii.  What a sign-the portal is open” – Jeanne Ruland

Pele the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire

“Last night we held the ceremony following knowledge holders guidelines over here on Big Island Hawaii.  One hour before midnight (when it was solstice here) the Kilauea volcano erupted. We were also met with a 4.4 earthquake.  

May the rainbow serpent reconcile Earth and Sun.                                           May Heaven on Earth rein again.  Thank you knowledge holders.”  Lillian Love

Hawaii-Kilauea Volcano erupting – Lillian Love

Volcanologists are Bubbling with Excitement

Kīlauea’s Lava Lake Is Back 

“On December 20, 2020 at 9:36pm. Local time, Kilauea – the crowning volcanic jewel of the Hawaiian archipelago – woke up from a surprisingly brief slumber and began gushing again.  Waterfalls of lava began pouring into Halema’uma’u, the pit crater within the mountain’s cauldron-shaped summit.  As of the morning of December 23, lava from two fissures continued to feed a growing lava lake-already more than 500 feet deep”.   [4]

Actual Lava Lakes are Rare     

Actual Lava Lakes are Rare – USGS/Public Domain


Two days after the Solstice Croatia recorded its largest ever earthquake.  There was also an earthquake in Antartica.  Recorded at 9.9 on the richter scale this is the strongest earthquake ever recorded.  Many other earth movements, across the planet, were also experienced.

The Schumann Resonance

Omar Faiai – forgottenorigin.com

The Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum.  They are global electromagnetic resonance, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earths surface and the ionosphere. en.wikipedia.org

“ The Schumann Resonance Peaks.  Note in the image above that just before 7.32pm (Uluru time)  the line is charting at around 0.3, then as the ceremonies kick in the resonance accelerates one hundred-fold to over 30.  It then remained at or above that level for the next three hours.  That provides concrete proof that this mass meditation had a direct impact on the planet.”    forgottenorigin.com

From the Mother Fire and the Deep Earth Resonance



Ethereal Display of Angelic Light Forms Issuing from the Heavens 

Aurora Borealis – Norway

Angelic Northern Lights – Tromso Norway – 22 December 2020 – yascha93

Serpent in the Sky – Alaska

Serpent in the Sky Alaska January 7th 2021 – courtesy Fairbanks Aurora Tours

 Polar Stratospheric Clouds Iceland

Polar Stratospheric Clouds Iceland – Hörður Kristleifsson – h0rdur

Humanity Responds

Gaia’s responses were further mirrored by the many, shared stories from around the world. ‘WE’ gathered on mountaintops, deep within earth caves, beside the waters, in Nature’s forests and fields, outside in our garden, within our own armchair, in Life.  So many world experiences and portent signs from Mother Earth said, “WE DID IT!”

Solstice Ritual Within a Cave – Los Alamos New Mexico – photo Cynthia Jurs
Solstice Ritual within a Cave with Earth Treasure Vases-Los Alamos New Mexico – image Elizabeth Christine [5]

From Peoples Back Yards

Perth-Western Australia – Brenton Calyun

“ The day after the 21st after having fire in my back yard at the same time and was so blessed to have had our spiritual ancestors and elders show full recognition with rainbows and solidarity.  Felt overwhelming love and peace from past present and future connections like no other!!!  The light hasn’t left my core and I acknowledge that something is ready to take its course through my journey in my change.”  Brenton Calyun

Opatija Croatia 21st December 2020 – shared by Soraya Danielle (from Jasmina Lakota)- forgottenorigin.com

“Opatija Croatia – a ray of light breaking through the clouds and connecting with the sea.  To avoid confusion it is not the sun’s rays, because at this time it is in a completely different place.  Something phenomenal!  It lasted minutes and gradually disappeared.”    forgottenorigin.com

Light Pillars – Glasgow Scotland – Paul Sims

The Moon with a Cross-Australia – Carol Taweel

“Quite a lot of cloud cover since 21st but a few skies have turned up and different.  I tried to photograph the moon (which I’ve done countless times) last night and a star or cross was appearing in it too!  I’ve not seen something quite like this before!”  Carol Taweel

Solstice Sunrise in the backyard of Ulure – Ngaire Howard

The Animals Respond

Possum, Peacocks, Cow and Goanna

“Because I was sitting outside on the lawn, in my sacred space the possum came over near me and was busy talking to me, the peacocks who all live up a nearby valley all went off also in unison.  I have not heard so many of them before, but they know and rejoiced. I also had an owl come and stay in my home over night and he didn’t mind the lights on.  I feel new too, like what I have done before is gone and now its baby steps into the new.”       Soluntra King – New Zealand  [6]

“A woman in Tasmania sat alone in a paddock to be part of the Solstice Ceremony.  While sitting there a single cow, unknown to her, and with no visibility to any herd nearbywalked out of ‘nowhere’, stood beside her and CRIED.  They were joyful tears”. [7]   Sourced from forgottenorigin.com

During my inner journey at the time of the Solstice Ceremony, whilst travelling across the red deserts sands towards Uluru I was vividly met by a huge Goanna.  (See my previous post ‘Experiencing the Solstice Story’  [8] Some days after the event I began to wonder why I had encountered Goanna.  Other beings I saw on that inner journey had some familiarity, they were either known or I could expect them to be part of the desert landscape. But I have never seen a Goanna. I do not particularly associate her with the desert.  She had me wondering, noticing, but noticing what?  I guess, unbeknown to me, she was still journeying with me post ceremony. The gift of her presence would reveal itself a little further along in the journey.

So many other animals were also a part of Nature’s response.  The world was indeed, sung in by choruses of birds, purring cats, wagging dogs and so many other wild and wondrous beings.

‘We’ of the Light and Shadow

The Dweller on the Threshold & The Angel of the Presence [9]

There was another aspect to my personal Solstice journeying that I did not write about in my last story.  For several days following the Solstice I was consumed by darkness, by that shadow that accompanies a great incoming of the Light.

I incorporate this aspect here, because in the times ahead we need to continue earnestly and nobly, to work our way through the great polarities of Light and Dark and their kin.  Whilst we inspire and aspire with the wondrous ‘new way’, coming into being, The Angel of the Presence, it must be cognized, that there are equally powerful forces of resistance that will desperately fight to maintain the old, status quo, The Dweller on the Threshold . This polarization, this battleground, between the Light and the Dark, is played out upon all levels of existence.

For me personally, both during and post the Solstice ritual, “it became necessary to recognize the fact of the darkness around” (William Stafford).      This, in turn, called forth from me the necessity and the commitment, to be part of the transmuting of this arising world shadow.  This impending shadow belonged to both this time and to the times of ages past. I am not unfamiliar with being part of this type of world service but this was different. It was deep and ancient.  It was impending and compelling in ways that I had not encountered before.

This working of the Dark, also took me deeper into my own personal shadow. Here once again, I was meeting the deep pain from many lifetimes past, that pain that was interwoven with the old, familiar, binding story: “If I reveal myself to the outer world I will be killed”.  With the need to more fully emerge in these coming times, this cloak needed to be shed.

Whilst the Darkness was more encompassing than I had known before, took longer to reveal, penetrate and transmute, there was also a much deeper place of inherent Grace that accompanied the process. This Graced Presence was equally unusual in its depth and potency.

The work was done.  The Dweller on the Threshold was encountered and the Angel of the Presence held place and opened the Way for the New to emerge. 

When one works on the inner levels in this way there can be the questioning that arises as to the validity of what one, so singularly, experiences.  So there is always deep gratitude and strengthening of process when confirmation from the outer world, from the ‘We’ is presented.

The Splash of Drops of Falling Water captured by high speed photography – Ronny Tertnes

These following words that were later shared by the outer ‘WE’ gave me that solidarity.  I share them here that they may offer the same to others.

“This no doubt stirred the opposing forces into even more frenzy to sabotage and of course that’s what happened.  Especially to those physically at Uluru.   But thankfully most old souls know the game and did not buy into it. I heard later that it was touch and go if the ceremony at Uluru would even take place, such was the sabotaging energies, but Love held strong and with gratitude the original people did their ceremony.”  [11]   Solunta King

And then came the following words. They arose out of a deeply formed Solstice ritual of great Light, one that also brought forth and included deep Shadow.

Mystery of the Enshrouding Darkness:

“At one point out of my mouth in English came the words, ‘Dear God Help Us’, said repeatedly. It was during this time I became aware of a darkness that needed to be shifted, and was being shifted. Something almost physical formed in my vision, a living darkness beneath the surface (of Uluru) that was repellent. It was this that was being cleansed and released.

Again in English, repeated several times, came the phrase, “The Cleansing Rains Will Come; The Cleansing Rains Will Come, The Cleansing Rains Will Come.  And indeed the Rains came!  “More rain fell in the centre of Australia than has been seen there in several years! “ [12]    Lia Scallon

And now, at the actual time of writing this section, new stories are being shared in this regard. Powerful, soul centred individuals, familiar and tooled in shadow work,, are confronting previously unmet depths of darkness that do at least temporarily, overwhelm. This makes it even clearer to me, and more critical for all that there is the need for our WE. We need to witness, support and create with each other through all the inner and outer events of our times that are so compelling.

Dark and Light

At this point Goanna re-entered and understanding of her presence with me during my Solstice journeying was given. She was a “protector, a guide for the shamanic. Goanna builds fierceness and confidence and gives courage to face and share emotions. Goanna has a direct communication style which is vivid – (‘vivid’ was the very word I used when describing my solstice desert journeying with Goanna). It is said that Goanna only appears when it is right and appropriate. Animal Speak [13]

Goanna – Animal Speak

Here was the WE of Goanna who had been guiding and protecting my journeying, weaving the way through the deserts of light and shade, long before I even knew that it was needed. 

The other gift from the WE came from two dear women friends.  One lives here in Australia (Louise) the other in Singapore (Dani).  With a greater part of my Solstice journey being enmeshed in the shadow work, as described above, I did feel a personal loss at not having recall of the Uluru event itself.  Then, unannounced, I received recorded messages from these dear women, detailing not only their Shamanic experiences at Uluru but the telling of my journeying there with them.  What a wonder it is when WE can Be for the other, when our part creates a whole.  My deepest thanks.   See Attachments for the link to download their Solstice stories.      Louise Gilmore [14]    Dani Van der Velde  [15]

Esoteric Seeds  – From Past to Present to Future

The following is for those who choose to wander with and explore the Mystery. It is for the esotericists amongst you, the readers. 

Ethereal Coloured Lips

Ten years ago I had the joy and privilege of spending time with the Sacred White Lions at Timbavarti, South Africa.  It was a profound and transformative time for everyone in our group.  We were all deeply touched by the depth of the mystical experiences shared and sought to respond, to the ensuing call, to reveal the deeper meaning embodied by these Star Lions.

As we all returned to our homes, in different countries around the world, ongoing experiences continued to unfold and questions were laid before us including that of ‘ethereal coloured lips’.

(living in Australia) received this letter from Cindy Cross (living in U.S.A)

Magi, I have to tell you a story and see if you “pick up” anything about it.  

On our day of silence (maybe semi silence?) at Tsau, I shared my story about the new color that I had seen, and then seeing that color on Linda and the lions’ lips in the form of lipstick.

Last Friday, I ended up in the emergency room.  Adriana happens to be a doctor, and she told me that I had been acting differently before she ­took me in.  I remember feeling a bit strange, and then I remember being in an incredibly beautiful space.  I was unconscious for a short period of time, and as I came around at the hospital, I remember the emergency doctor saying, “I have never before seen the color that your lips turned.”  I was rather surprised at the comment! 

Of course, Infectious Disease had a hay day with all the tests they put me through, but I was fine within about 6 hours.  (although the quality and depth of my sleep for the next few days was amazing!)  I really think that I had reached the point where my consciousness was/is expanding so quickly that the container (my body) just wasn’t ready for it…if you have a different “sense” please let me know.

I am seeing this color and feeling this color as though it is not formally “here” yet.   It feels like a vibration that is faster than the color purple….it feels positive, it feels strong yet peaceful…it feels like I am having a physical experience as well as a visual experience with whatever this may be…it is certainly taking up space in me and it is using some of my life force because I think about it quite a bit.  It is feeling like something very significant will be revealed to us some time soon…as you know, these things are hard to explain!  I too, look forward to weaving it with you.  

Lots of love to you Magi             


In my time with the White Lions I too had been captured by, was seeking to understand, this ethereal, nu-clear colour/energy, that was part of what I experienced in the presence of the Sacred White Lions.

Karen Jane Dudley – K1 Photography (16)

This nu-clear, ethereal colour/energy was but one of the unfolding aspects, mysteries, of this journey.

My full response to Cindy’s letter was multi layered, weaving together a number of the profound, esoteric experiences that occurred whilst being with the Sacred White Lions.  It is recorded as a photo-story – ‘Tsau, Sacred White Lions and Ethereal Lips’. See Attachments at the end of this document to download the full photo-story.

The trigger for drawing forth this Africa experience, came from viewing the photo (below) by Geraldine Grace, and from subsequently listening to the stories told by those who witnessed the entrancing sky phenomena at Uluru at the time of the Solstice.   It became apparent that there was a correlation between the ‘Ethereal Coloured Lips’ of Cindy, Linda and the White Lions and the “unearthly” sky at Uluru.   This was given further weight when the moon/sky photo, taken in Georgia, Atlanta, USA, then presented. 

Phenomenal Skies – Portals Opening

The participants at the Uluru Ceremony described this “unearthly, never seen before, iridescent blue colour” and the unusual affects it had upon them.  This in turn brought forward the memory of “ethereal lips” that Cindy and I had experienced and sought to understand.

Uluru Sky- 21 December as the Ceremony ended – Geraldine Grace

There were 350 people gathered in Ceremony at Uluru. This was not the Ceremony performed by the Uluru elders. This particular ceremony was held at Yalara, the resort area near Uluru, outside the national park.

“As this group finished the formal part of the Ceremony they looked up to see this phenomenal sky of pinks and reds. The sun had set below the clouds. Where were these colours coming from? They watched as a patch began opening further and further and within the opening the blue began coming through. A portal was opening up. It felt so expansive. People became transfixed. They turned away from the ceremony. They became entranced by this beautiful, unearthly blue that was manifesting in the sky. This entrancement later expressed itself outwardly as the large group spontaneously broke out into a ‘tribal’ dance. ” (17) Geraldine Grace

“Everyone present was literally overwhelmed with smiles, contagious love and pure unbridled joy.”

What was now on show was something no-one, and that includes the security staff, had ever seen. The colours were stunning, the gold, orange, hot-pink and a scope of colours was something only nature could assemble, but there in the clouds was a gap, and inside that space was the brightest and most intense blue anyone had seen.  Blue being the colour associated with the Pleiades and Seven Sisters was not lost on anyone.

Just prior to this image being taken the sky was covered in grey clouds.  It looked like a storm was coming.  Even when the sky above had changed into this ethereal display, the sky below remained a washed out pale grey.” [18]  Steven & Evan Strong 

Geraldine Grace also retold a story that was shared.  “A wife was participating in this Ceremony.  Her husband was staying with her at the resort.  He was sceptical of the event and did not want to participate in the Ceremony. He did however begin to travel across to meet his wife once the Ceremony had completed.  On route he experienced this cloud over Uluru.   He witnessed the blue within this cloud sucking up the darkness over Uluru.  It then moved across to Kata Juta and sucked up the darkness there.”  [19]

Solreta Antaria who was present at Uluru speaks further re the manifestation of this new ‘blue’ colour.   “I have seen this colour before.  I began to see this in March 2020.  It was then that I began talking about the need to anchor this colour here. I was saying that this colour is part of the energetic shift.  It is not about ascension but about bringing this vibration to earth.”  [20]

Light Beyond SoundTatiana Plakhova

The photo of the unearthly Uluru sky (above) by Geraldine Grace was taken at the moment that the formal part of the Ceremony concluded.  At precisely the same moment in time this photo (below) was taken on the other side of the world, almost in a direct line to Uluru, at Georgia, Atlanta USA.  This iridescent blue at Uluru it was with the setting sun, at Georgia Atlanta it was with the moon in the sky

 “Two ultra-rare cloud formations with a deep blue inset at the same time, yet at opposite ends of the planet. What are the odds?”  [21]  Steven Strong

Georgia Atlanta USA.-   Forgotten origin

So from Uluru-Australia, to Georgia Atlanta-United States, to the White Lions of South Africa and Cindy’s coloured lips, this unearthly, iridescent, ethereal, nu-clear colour was manifesting. A portal was presenting, opening.  We were now, in greater numbers, beginning to witness this presence and in doing so move towards a greater understanding of its place and purpose.

Mara-Mother of the White Star Lions

There was yet another story being drawn forth between the White Lions and the Uluru Solstice event.  

Common themes were emerging which were seeking inter-connection and were calling themselves forward to be presented in this article.

The provocation in this regard was threefold.

The time of our retreat with the White Lions was also the time of the devastating Tsunami in Japan (March 2011) with the tragic loss of so many lives.  This was certainly provocative in drawing down the following considerations re the Portal of Graced Blessing.  

There was further provocation from viewing the images and listening to the stories of the portal openings across the planet.  This has been shared in the stories above.

Adding to both of these was Dani’s sharing of her Solstice Journey.  Within it she tells of her experience of being with a vast number of her Ancestors and the profound and sacred moment of being initiatory in the releasing of their accumulated, ancestral trauma.

Each and all of these considerations were standing upon each others (and my!)  shoulders, calling for inclusion.  So regardless of my personal awkwardness and vulnerability in this regard, I acquiesced. Together they drew forth the Portal of Graced Blessing.  

The following writing re this Portal has again been drawn from the photo-story I wrote of ten years ago – Tsau, the Sacred White Lions and Ethereal Lips.  See Attachments at the end of this document to download the full photo-story.

.The Splash of a Drop of Falling Water captured by high speed photography – Ronny Tertnes

The Portal of Graced Blessing

The Ancient Law of Karmic Sharing

and the

Law of Ancient Predominating Good

  • Provocation – Tsau and the Sacred White Lions

The notion forming at Tsau, ten years ago, was that the ‘New’ both required and was assisting to facilitate on subtle levels, the creation of a new way, plane, portal of entrance for incoming and outgoing souls.

This required the working into Being of a way for souls to incarnate (birth) and discarnate (die) without taking on the huge load of accumulated, collective and personally unwarranted karma, that has thus been the requirement.

A soul upon entering or leaving the ring-pass-not of planet Earth has to pass through that Sheath which contains the unresolved, unenlightened, collective karma or ‘lost will’ of present and past ages.  In doing so there is, under the Ancient Law of Karmic Sharing, an un-transmuted, karmic load that each individual carries in and out of incarnation.  This adds to the weight of earthly life and perpetuates a vicious circle of karmic return.

If this Sheath and its residue of ‘black coal’ could be made translucent/nu-clear, breathing with New Life, it would not only refine and free up the evolutionary process, but would also allow the coming into incarnation of many more ‘Star Beings’, both human and animal.  This would also facilitate a transformed world for all living beings and, in turn, would further the destiny of the Earth in becoming a Sacred planet.

The Violet Transmuting Flame

Some of this thinking and understanding has been awakened, as a result of the mass deaths that are consequential to the ever-increasing number of tsunamis, earthquakes and floods of our times.   It is not primarily the personal karma of the individual that is being played out in these mass events, but the working out of collective, planetary karma.  Spiritual law governs this working out.  The particular law governing this aspect is The Ancient Law of Karmic Sharing.  

This Ancient Law of Karmic Sharing is partnered by the Law of Ancient Predominating Good.  [22] 

As we move forward into these ‘coming times’ we also draw to ourselves the beneficence and grace that is intrinsic to the Law of Ancient Predominating Good.

With a blessed balance between these two great overarching Laws perhaps Now is the very time for an initiative, such as the Portal of Graced Blessing, to be brought into Being.

On esoteric levels there seems to have been ongoing work to release these souls without them personally carrying forward the onus and the trauma so individually experienced.

Whilst the individual bears the consequences, sacrifices their life, on behalf of us all, it is desirable that there is a means by which they can be released from personalizing, identifying, with the imbedded notion that they were causal to the mass event. For if undue onus is assumed it leads to enmeshment in the trauma of the mass event. Consequently and unwittingly this perpetrates another future round of karma, unduly borne by the individual. 

What is actually due to each individual is a Graced blessing. On our earthly plane this can be given by fellow human beings, by offering due witness and honour. 

Buddha Hand (23)

But this Graced Blessing needs to be continued and enhanced upon Spiritual realms. There needs to be a further opening of the Portal and the activation of the required dynamics that would enable the offering of Graced Blessing for the many souls leaving and entering the earth plane.

To date this Graced Blessing has often been lost.  It has been rebuffed at the ‘coal face’ of the Sheath because of the insufficient refinement and enlightenment of matter to allow Grace to fully enter and hold place.  The absence of receiving this bestowing Grace furthers the impingement of collective dread, trauma and karmic imprisonment. If this Sheath with its ‘black coal’ substance was not only nu-clear but infused with potent, ‘New Life’ then the incoming and outgoing soul could be Blessed, could be Graced into Life with ‘ethereal lips’, with an Adamantine being, creating a very different and sustaining cycle of return.

Procession of the Light Workers by Freydoon Rassouli

Healing of the Ancestors Between the Worlds

  • Provocation – Dani Van de Veld’s Solstice Journey

The following is an excerpt from Dani’s fuller testimony, in which she describes her Shamanic experience of being inside a cave, cavern at Uluru.

“….Then, just before I was outside of the cavern, the whole thing changed and rather than it being a whole assortment of first people, Australian indigenous, it transformed into an enormous crowd of ancestors and I knew they were mine.  

There were men, women and young ones.  I didn’t recognize any of them from my family history, but I knew they were my blood.  That was very beautiful.  I had the opportunity to honour them, to thank them, and also to heal them. 

It was interesting for me as it was the first time that I had, for what I believe after years and years and years of honouring my ancestors, experienced that it was personal. 

I work in sessions with large numbers of people here in Singapore and each healing session I call upon the ancestors.  I call them into my hands and into my conscious mind, to guide and work through me, for the highest and the best.  I keep an ancestral candle on my altar.  I understand, work with and teach about the ancestral field, but this was really different.  This was me in my personality as Dani, becoming very aware that my life now is the embodied representative of that field.  I was feeling very loved and there was a mutual exchange of unconditional gratitude.

I then had a compulsion to raise my hands and stream everything that I had into that huge group of ancestors.  I couldn’t see the back of them.  Any trauma that they were holding, anything that they have held from their embodied life, whatever that was on the planet, I felt to run that energy through my system to heal that, to free them. [24]       See Attachments to download Dani’s full Story of her Solstice Journey

A Splash of a Drop of Falling Water captured by high speed photography – Ronny Tertnes

And thus it is, that through the greater ‘We’, Life is ever shaped and made sacred.

As we move around the great evolutionary circle of Life, claiming our divinity, we are given the opportunity to be part of a greater World Work.  We are called as sacred alchemists to create anew through ever unfolding ways.  May we find the necessary poise and balance.  May we be part of the creation and enactment of the ever continuing Graced Blessing.   

Claiming our Divinity – Pathway 5  The Human Odyssey: A Map for the Journey – Nicky McCartney & Magi Whisson  2009  (25)

The Morphing of Time and Space

To my sensibilities, there is at this present time, a remarkable closeness of worlds.  The greater ‘We’ is close at hand.  The Spiritual world and its Beings move ever closer to the Earthly realm and visa versa.  Their embrace is becoming more ‘real’, present and initiating.  

This “intimate joining” (Marilyn Ferguson)  carries with it new alchemical potencies.   It calls for the unusual to become usual, for the unimaginable to be imagined. Once imagined and inspired it then becomes the task of our greater ‘We’ to bring these into manifestation in ways that will further the Good of All. 

In line with the increasing closeness of worlds it is also becoming more apparent that there also is occurring a merging of time. The boundaries that have previously defined past, present and future are, at least in part, dissolving.

Past experiences and memories, previously bounded by time are enlivening themselves in the present. They are drawing into ‘Now’.   Future dreamings and inspirations, the un-born, are drawing into the present, into ‘Now’.  These memories, experiences, dreamings, are arising and moving through time in unbounded ways.  Past, present and future are merging into Now.  

Many are speaking of this unfolding, this morphing of time and space in their daily lives.

“It is an interesting journey as I (a white European woman) experience flashbacks of Australian aborigines.  And while walking my woodland paths in Canada I hear tropical birds.  It is as if my cellular memory has been shaken up and is releasing these sound and image memories stored so very deep. Fascinating.”    Wendy Dudley – Canada

source -Thanissara Mary Weinberg newsletter

I too, in the writing of this article, have had to manage this morphing of worlds, time and space.  I began with the simple intent of sharing some of the emerging world solstice stories. But as I began the muses gathered, the memories and experiences of the past came forward, the esoteric ponderings that seemed to belong to the future, even though they inspired themselves ten years ago, entered in.

In the inner silence, with grace and clarity, the muses spoke. “This goes with that.  And now this too” !  The many voices, the many levels in communion, all weaving together, galvanizing, becoming pinnacles of singularity.   

And when their inter-connected core, the essence of what needed to come forth was apparent, then came the request for inclusion, the next piece to be added.  And so came yet another heading !  I kept breathing and followed the muses.    I certainly have had to grown myself into this work of the ‘We’. I trust that there is due honour in what is now being offered.   

So ‘hats off’ to all of you who have nobly read to the end of this article.  You are indeed the ‘WE’ of our times.  We are surely one in our conspiring together.

In the words of Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980)

“This word conspire, in its literal sense, means ‘to breathe together.’  It is an intimate joining.  To make clear the benevolent nature of this joining, I chose the word Aquarian. [26]  

So to conclude, I offer my deep honour and respect for all the Beings of the Earth and of the Heavens, for the muses, for the creatures, for us as humanity, for all the individuals who are a part of this “intimate joining”. 

To all of us who are the ‘We of this Aquarian Conspiracy’, I thank you.

Bowing Deeply

Magi Whisson

magiw@iinet.net.au OPUSonus

You are welcome to share this article as long as it is done in its entirety, as the completed whole as presented here and with due accreditation.

I am also willing, upon an email request, to forward a word pdf version


  • Tsau, Sacred White Lions & Ethereal Lips – Magi Whisson
  • Louise Gilmore Solstice Journey
  • Dani Van der Velde  Solstice Journey


(1) Uluru Ceremony – Magi Whisson https://opusonus.net/2020/11/21/uluru-ceremony

(2) Inquiring Mind https://www.inquiringmind.com/article/1002_41_thich-nhat_hanh/

(3) Steven and Evan Strong – http://www.forgottenorigin.com

(4) Story and image – https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/kilauea-2020-eruption

(5) Cave ritual with blessings of the Earth Treasure Vases  http://earthtreasurevase.org http://www.gaiamandala.net

(6) Soluntra King  http://evenstarcreations.com/index.php/new-earth/age-of-aquarius-dec-2020-solstice-conjunction-uluru?fbclid=IwAR2hW2oWZz85TGTLuKt4C-wPTzvFaA8af3y_5AJCZN9jrL9Zb5NYrIraEs4

(7) Soluntra King  http://evenstarcreations.com/index.php/new-earth/age-of-aquarius-dec-2020-solstice-conjunction-uluru?fbclid=IwAR2hW2oWZz85TGTLuKt4C-wPTzvFaA8af3y_5AJCZN9jrL9Zb5NYrIraEs4

(8) Experiencing the Solstice – Magi Whisson 2020 https://opusonus.net/2020/12/29/experiencing-the-solstice/

(9) The Dweller on the Threshold & The Angel of the Presence –                                      The Human Odyssey: A Map for the Journey – Nicky McCartney & Magi Whisson.  Map/Pathway 3 -The Challenge of Consciousness – Acquisition & Relinquishment on Path  http://www.humanodyssey.com/seven-pathways

(10) William Stafford, “A Ritual to Read to Each Other” from The Way It Is: New and Selected Poems. Copyright © 1998 by William Stafford.  Reprinted by permission of Graywolf Press. Source: Indivisible: Poems for Social Justice (Norwood House Press, 2013)

(11) Soluntra King http://evenstarcreations.com/index.php/new-earth/age-of-aquarius-dec-2020-solstice-conjunction-uluru?fbclid=IwAR2N07IIetNj8_4TF1pK4pN2hNBfqfHC-07hV1zBRA2ZK6H3Y1omKvblc2o

(12) Lia Scallon – Facebook-Uluru Prophecy new information-27 December 2020

(13 Goanna – http://www.wildspeak.com/animalenergies/goanna.html

(14) Louise Gilmore OAM – Head of the Meditation Teacher Training Program and of Shamanic Studies at Awareness Institute in Sydney http://awarenessinstitute.com.au

(15) Dani Van der Velde  Solstice Journey – www.themeditationteacher.net

(16) Lion Photo by Karen Jane Dudley www.k1photography.org

(17) Geraldine Grace Uluru Solstice 21.12.2020 a Testimony from Geraldine Grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lJy0XbjOcM

(18) Steven and Evan Strong https://forgottenorigin.com/after-uluru-what-comes-next

(19) Geraldine Grace Uluru Solstice 21.12.2020 a Testimony from Geraldine Grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lJy0XbjOcM

(20) Solreta Antaria-Uluru Update https://youtu.be/DCp4r2jCL7o

(21) Steven and Evan Strong https://forgottenorigin.com/after-uluru-what-comes-next

(22) The Ancient Law of Karmic Sharing & The Law of Ancient Predominating Good –       The Human Odyssey: A Map for the Journey–Nicky McCartney & Magi Whisson.  Map/Pathway 5- Claiming our Divinity-The Quest for Alignment with the Will-to-Good  2009      http://www.humanodyssey.com/seven-pathways

(23) With thanks – source unknown

(24) Dani Van der Velde  Solstice Journey – www.themeditationteacher.net

(25) The Ancient Law of Karmic Sharing & The Law of Ancient Predominating Good –       The Human Odyssey: A Map for the Journey–Nicky McCartney & Magi Whisson.  Map/Pathway 5- Claiming our Divinity-The Quest for Alignment with the Will-to-Good  2009      http://www.humanodyssey.com/seven-pathways

(26)Marilyn Ferguson-The Aquarian Conspiracy 1980  Wikiquote Full Text of book online  https://archive.org/details/The_Aquarian_Conspiracy/page/n1/mode/2up



9 thoughts on “‘We’ of the Solstice and Coming Times

  1. Oh Maggi….what a symphony of Light! Thank you so much for gathering together all these beautiful experiences and weaving them into meaningful patterns. Will share with my community. Thank you 🙏


  2. Thank you for the beautiful images of love, our group went to Lake Taupo New Zealand and anchored 24 Templates of Purification as we travelled in our bodies of light around the earth to the 24 sacred sires of the white light. Blessed be Mother Earth and all beings. Much love and gratitude, Jasiraah xxx


  3. Thank you Magi I really needed to see this. An amazing journey in words, stories and indescribably potent pictures! I was feeling very alone and heavy, but maybe I’m not so alone after all. Sending much love.


  4. Thank you Magi for sharing these sacred events. You have given expression to the unspeakable, words to the essences of Divinity. Having read through most of this, I now understand my experience of dark shadow hovering around the blue light of the Being I AM lately. Transmutation of the Earth’s karma is occurring. Heaven and Earth are one and being experienced as one. Blessings of the Blue Light. AP

    Liked by 1 person

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